How to Stabilise Shoulder Seams on Knit Tops

If you look inside RTW knit tops and inspect the shoulder seams, you’ll notice that most of the time there is some type of reinforcement at the shoulder seam. And there is a good reason for that. Since the shoulder is cut cross-wise, with the greatest degree of stretch horizontally, they run a big risk of being stretched out, both when sewn and when worn.  So you might end up with a finished shoulder seam that’s substantially wider than the original pattern. And to make matters even worse, shoulder seams are usually also slanted, especially the front shoulder piece, which increases the stretch even more. This is why it makes a lot of sense to keep the fabric in check when you are sewing shoulder seams on knit tops and t-shirts. But what method is … Continue reading How to Stabilise Shoulder Seams on Knit Tops