A constant challenge for me is keeping all my sewing stuff in some sort of order. This is especially important since I have my sewing corner in the living room, so I don’t really have the opportunity to let my stuff spread all over the place. And it is truly a toil of Sisyphus since I never seem to maintain the order that I created. My latest organizing effort was to finally put all my Burdastyle pattern magazines in binders. For years I’ve stored them in plywood magazine files, but I struggled keeping them in an orderly manner and often had to spend an inordinate amount of time finding the corresponding patten sheath.
Funny thing is that I already had a good system for my older Neue Mode pattern magazines, but for some reason I’ve kept my Burdastyles in a constant state of mess.
But then I decided that I truly need to get my magazines in order and opted to use the binder method. I sorted the magazines in a chronologically order and put both the magazine and the pattern sheaths in plastic sleeves. Only problem was that the magazines are a bit too big for the sleeves and too thick for my paper punch. But I managed to find sleeves that has a slit in them which made it a little easier to fit the magazines in.
Fingers crossed that this new system will actually last!