The Burda magazine shorts that I made last month had a rather messy solution for waist facing. Or maybe it was just my having a hard time grasping how it should be sewn together? But to be honest: “Burda, It’s not me, it’s you” So instead I decided to opt for a grosgrain ribbon waistband facing.
Which made me realize what a fantastic way this is to create a smooth, and stable, waist. Plus it feels a little luxe. Here comes a quick tutorial on how to do it:

First, attach the grosgrain ribbon by topstitching it onto the seam allowance (I use a 6mm allowance). I use a blind hem presser foot to make the seam more precise.

The waist after the topstitching is done. Look how discreet the seam is.

On the flip side. Not as slick, but it will soon disappear. I created a self fabric hook for the button.

Fold the grosgrain ribbon over and press into place.

To secure the ribbon I sewed a line of stitches in the ditch of each seam (including the darts).

What it looks like on the other side. This will keep the ribbon in place.

The finished shorts. I used them plenty in Portugal and the ribbon waistband facing really kept the waist from growing. I normally have problems with this, even though I use interfacing and stay stitching.