Coverstitch / Life of Johanna

I’m writing another book!

As I alluded to last year I have several more book ideas mulling in my head, and the common thread (!) is that they all cover topics that I think are underserved among the current roster of sewing books. And the topic I have decided to dive into first is…taadaa…COVERSTITCHING.

Yes, I will write an entire book about how to master coverstitching. I already have plenty of information in my book Sewing Activewear about coverstitching, but there is so much more information I want to share. Plus I know there is a need since we all struggle with this moody machine from time to time!


The outline will be similar to my first book, ie the first half will be dedicated to seams, tools, techniques and skill learning. And the second half will contain illustrated step-by-step tutorials for different projects that you can do with a coverstitch machine, both for knits and wovens.

I just got started, and only have done a preliminary outline and written one small chapter so far, but I don’t believe in being mysterious about my projects. I think it is way more beneficial for me as a writer to talk about the process, as it allows me to get valuable feedback and ideas from you guys! So if you have any topics that you would love to be addressed in a book about coverstitching, I am all ears!


Also, I kickstarted the research process last Friday when I visited the garment factory that is part of Sweden’s Textile University. I wanted to begin with the experts and was able to meet with two wonderful ladies who both have worked in the garment industry for over 30 years. So I picked their brains like crazy and also got to try a few of the industrial coverstitch machines myself.


Plus, take comfort in the fact that coverstitch machines are the trickiest to handle even for those who are professionals. Both ladies said that coverstitch machines are the worst and that once you have nailed a set-up you don’t want to tamper with the machine again! Hence why they have seven different machines in the factory that basically only do one thing each. But they also gave me some fantastic tips that I will share in the book.




I have no idea when this book will be done, but a year from now sounds feasible. But then again, my last book took even longer, so who knows? I’m self-publishing again, so there are many moving parts that I will have master myself, plus a full-time job and all that. Hence why it will take some time. So I would love to hear what you think about this project and any suggestions are more than welcome!