Lots of exciting things are happening with my sewing books, so I wanted to give you an update on the latest, including an update about the progress of my jeans book, the German translation of Master the Coverstitch and that I’m (finally!) able to offer Kindle versions of my first two books.

Coming soon: Pre-order of Sewing Jeans: The complete step-by-step guide
I’m in the process of finalising all the required steps to set up a pre-order for my next book, Sewing Jeans: The complete step-by-step guide. I finally have a publishing date (it will be out this fall) and I’m also nearing the end when it comes to creating and putting all the content on the pages.
I’m a little dizzy now due to all the work, but I can sense the finish line and I’m so proud of this book. It’s super detailed with so many cool techniques and tutorials, plus I cover lots of other aspects of jeans sewing as well, so it will clock in at 190 pages!
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I think design-wise, it’s the best-looking sewing book I’ve done so far, and this is important to me, as I think a sewing book needs good design as well in order to be easy to read and understand. More info about the pre-order is coming soon!

Perfekt Nähen mit der Coverlock (German version of Master the Coverstitch Machine)
After having a bit of a rough week, seeing the spread about my book in the Stiebner fall catalogue filled me with so much gratefulness and joy. I often just hanker down, focusing on the next project and just work-work-work, not always being able to see and appreciate how far I have become and how much this means to me. So being chosen by a publisher and getting a translation of my book into one of the biggest markets in Europe, that’s incredibly encouraging.
The book will be out in September and as soon as I have more info, I’ll share it with you!

Master the Coverstitch and Sewing Activewear are now on Kindle
I’ve finally been able to convert the ebook version of my books to Amazon Kindle format. I regularly get asked about this, and the main reason for it taking to long is that Amazon doesn’t exactly make it easy to create a digital version of a photo-heavy book with lots of internal bookmark links, and I wanted to ensure that a buyer on Amazon would get a similar reading experience to those who buy my ebook from my own shop.
Fortunately, Amazon has made some changes now to facilitate this so I decided it would be worthwhile to add my books to Kindle as well. It also felt a bit more pressing right now since I’m running very low on stock of the print version of Master the Coverstitch Machine, due to Corona related logistics. So at least one version of the book will be available until the new stock arrives.
Master the Coverstitch Machine (Kindle)
Sewing Activewear (Kindle)
Note: Links are affiliate links, and Kindle books can only be bought through the US shop currently
Of course, you can still buy the ebooks in my shop, which is the best format, IMHO, and at a better price. Plus as you probably can imagine, Amazon takes a very large cut of the sales because that’s how they roll.
This post contains Amazon affiliate links, meaning that a commission is earned from qualifying purchases.