I’ve been very productive with my upcoming book about sewing jeans lately. Perhaps as a way to deal with the anxiety and the unsettling situation we are all currently living in? So I thought I should give you an update about the project and share some very preliminary launch dates as well.

What will the book contain?
Just like my previous books, it will have two distinct sections, i.e the first half will be dedicated to the fundamentals and the second half will have fully illustrated very detailed step-by-step instructions on how to sew jeans.
The fundamentals section has chapters on fabrics, fit and pattern adaptations, tools, notions, sustainably and of course guides to seams and other techniques. I think I’m about 2/3 done with this section since, which feels pretty encouraging since writing this book is a mammoth undertaking, considering that denim and sewing jeans are such a complex issue with so many aspects that can be covered.
Plus I want to cater both to newbies and those who really want to nerd out and make old-school denim using more advanced techniques. So it’s a lot!

And in case you didn’t know this. I’m also designing the books myself since I have a background in media and know my way around most graphic design programs. And while I have not designed books in my professional life, if I may say so myself, the jeans book is going to look really nice! I feel like I’m finding my style now with this third book and I think it shows.

The second part will have a very extensive tutorial section, that covers both the basics and also shows lots of variations inspired by various RTW denim techniques. This section, however, takes forever to make, since I have to take so many photos, and before that, I also have done a lot of trials runs to figure out the best techniques to teach you guys.

If you have my previous books, you’ll know that my books are very picture heavy, which is something that people seem to appreciate and it’s repeatedly mentioned in the reviews as something that makes my books really stand out. I think I’m about 1/2 done with this section and plan to do a massive photo and sewing session in April, pretty much dedicating all my weekends to this project.
And then all the pages need proofreading and editing, not done by me luckily, so that’s also an extensive process.

When will the book be out?
I can’t give you an exact date currently, and considering what’s going on in the world right now, it’s even harder to make any predictions. But if the timing is right, the book will hopefully be available for pre-order in May and with a launch date early fall.
So now you can hopefully gauge more what the book will be about and its planned arrival. As I said, the book work is extensive and lots of things can happen, but I’m definitely able to smell the finish line now!
And you can sign-up for book updates and get a little pattern pack!